Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inspired By The Girls With Glasses

We are thrilled to get positive emails and even more excited by the cute things people make and share with us. We want to feature two Girls With Glasses Show viewers today on the blog.

The first is from Emilee Sutherland, the owner of Esty shop Tastful Tatters. She made these charming little glasses necklaces "inspired by the infamous idol star Brooke White and her new show, The Girls With Glasses Show."

Second is Antonia Ormston who wrote to us saying " I love your theme song 'I am a Girl.' My three little girls love to watch your video. My eldest who just got glasses feels very cool now."
And she included this heartwarming picture of her three girls.

Thanks to everyone for your support and well wishes. We hope to continue to bring you inspiring content. Send us an email (the GWG show (at) gmail (dot) com) if we can share how you are inspired by The Girls With Glasses Show.


  1. thank you so much! You guys are such an inspiration!

  2. I just bought this necklace minus the thread wrap at a store that I will not mention, (it rhymes with Shmorever 21) and have been ridiculed by the boyfriend with the nickname of "6 eyes" ever since! Although the necklace does make a good place hang my glasses from when I take them off!
    Still Love you ladies!
